
Hi guys I am posting my newest YouTube tutorial today.

Sometimes babies don’t want to do all of those really crazy newborn poses that you might see on Pinterest. Here at my home studio in Anaheim in orange county I try to keep my studio super warm and sometimes these photo shoots can go upwards of five hours or more. Trying to get babies to do all of those really cute poses that are very popular right now isn’t always an easy task. Some babies will pose perfectly well and two hours is more than enough time for the photo shoot. Some babies are colicky or just don’t feel well or are just not having a great day. Those babies can require a lot more time and sometimes they just won’t put up with being posed. For those babies we can use Photoshop to mimic some of the poses we would do in studio. This pose, the tushy up pose can be done pretty easily in Photoshop with the puppet warp tool. Check out this YouTube tutorial and let me know what you think.

Thank you for checking out our blog ans YouTube Tutorial if you are ready to book your wedding, engagement, maternity newborn, family, sexy or boudoir or high school senior portraits please call Edna Eudave Square Eye Photography 714-420-8285 NOW!

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