Not everybody knows what good photography looks like. Most of my clients are artistic, designers, hobby photographers, photography enthusiasts and professional photographers. I know, when I meet with a client, that they know that there is something that sets me apart from other photographers but not everybody knows or can spot good photography from bad photography. This blog post should spell out pretty clearly the difference between great photography and kind of crappy photography.
Most people don’t have any idea what a wedding really costs. They might have a made up number in their mind that they think photography will run not really understanding what the median cost for photography in their area is. Sometimes, this can be shocking.
#2 Hire a family member or friend of the family… Who is willing to shoot your wedding for free. Uncle Bob, will shoot your wedding for free because he’s been toting around his camera around for the last forty years. He has zero artistic ability. He has zero creativity but gosh darn it he can zoom that lens and click that button and hopefully the images won’t be blurring. Sometimes when you’re on a budget, someone shooting your wedding for free sounds like an amazing idea. I’ve seen this a million times. I have had brides in my office crying to me about how their family friend or family member ruined their wedding photos… I mean literally sobbing!
Wedding photography is unlike any other type of event and portrait photography. You not only have to be at the top of your game technically speaking. A cloud could pass overhead and you have to change your settings immediately. Things are moving so quickly you have to be very fast at changing your settings and capturing moments. On top of that you have to be creative, original, amiable, easy-going, technically savvy and really really fast. These moments cannot be re-shot. That kiss shot is never gonna happen again. That dove release… When it’s gone, it’s gone. It is the most technically and creatively difficult type of photography in the industry. You can always reshoot somebody’s family photos if something went wrong but you can never re-shoot a wedding. Not only that but because we know how important wedding photography is we have double of absolutely everything cameras, lenses, flashes, cords, EVERYTHING!
I’m planning on writing a blog at some point in the future about what distinguishes good photography from bad photography. So stay tuned and for now let me know what you think about this blog post and if you have a HORROR story I would love to hear about it… your story can help others not make the same mistake!
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