
I rarely ever get to combine blog posts about a venue. This, fortunately, is a venue where I have shot many times. I originally shot Nancy and Kevin, the last set of photos on this blog post quite a while ago. From that point forward all the rest of my clients found me on Google images or Pinterest.
Coco Palm restaurant in Pomona is the perfect little venue for classical, romantic and  elegant weddings. It is nestled in the hills of Pomona overlooking the city. The sunset photos taken at Coco Palm restaurant in Pomona are absolutely magical. The architecture there is Greek Roman. Which I think is perfect for a wedding because it’s so elegant.
They have vast white stairways that are also a beautiful backdrop for photography. Plus you can’t beat that city skyline at night. Check out the images below and please comment and let me know what you think. I have also included a cute little video at the end in case you prefer to view a video over checking out a blog.


This first wedding is one of my favorites. It is the most recent wedding that I shot a Coco Palm restaurant in Pomona. Enedelia and Bernie were so easy-going and so much fun to shoot! This wedding was shot in October 2017. As you can tell the sunset a Coco Palm is absolutely magical. Of course I use a little bit of Photoshop to brighten up those colors and add a little bit more magic to these photos.

I think Jennifer and Mark were the second couple that I shot at Coco Palm restaurant. These guys were crazy! The groomsmen were crazy!!! I had such a blast with them and the girls were so relaxed, so easy going.. But with some serious fun. I shot Jennifer and Mark sometime mid 2015, I think around August it was quite a warm day.

Maria and Kerry had a sunset ceremony. They did a first look because after their ceremony it was pretty much just night. Maria walked down the aisle as the sun was setting. This is normally quite a challenge for photographers but because I carry plenty of off camera flashes, I handled it quite well. Plus I also shot some natural light photos which were just so beautiful in the twilight. I shot this awesome couple at the end of 2016.

Nancy and Kevin were the first couple that I shot a Coco Palm restaurant. Kevin was finally in town from the military and they nailed down a date to get married. This beautiful couple has now moved away from California and like most military couples, they don’t get to stay in their home towns. This romantic couple had a gorgeous wedding at Coco Palm. I thank them, because of them I’ve gotten so many weddings at this of really cute venue.

I realize that most of the couples that book me for Coco Palm restaurant in Pomona are normally budget conscious. I offer really great packages for just digital images and coverage of the wedding day. My philosophy is this… Book the best photographer that you can afford, even if it means that you don’t get an album right off the bat. It’s better than hiring photographer who will give you full day coverage with an album and an engagement shoot for a really budget price, but you absolutely hate the work or maybe it just isn’t that impressive. I know that I’m not the most budget friendly photographer but I do offer budget friendly packages that don’t include an album for those that are on a budget. You can always add an album after a really great money dance. Like I said, get the best that you can afford now and add what you can later. If you’re interested in booking a wedding with me for Coco Palm restaurant in Pomona just send me a quick text at 714-420-8285, let me know how many consecutive hours you need and your date and I’ll do the best that I can do to accommodate you….Edna

For those who don’t want to go through this blog and prefer YouTube videos check out the video below

Thank you for checking out our blog if you are getting married in the Orange County, Los Angeles County and Inland Empire area in California and if you love our work please contact me now! If u are ready to book your wedding, engagement, maternity newborn, family, sexy or boudoir or high school senior portraits please call Edna Eudave Square Eye Photography 714-420-8285 NOW! We shoot locally and globally.. contact me for pricing for destination wedding photography!

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